Hapū Wānanga ki Taranaki — Online Course


If you can’t make it to our wānanga in person, you can complete our self-directed class online.

The topics that we cover over our 2-day in-person wānanga have been added to Google Classroom — a super easy to use online programme that allows you to participate in our wānanga.

The course is self-guided, meaning you can make your way through the wānanga topic by topic, reading through short slides and watching videos. There will be a simple quiz at the end of each topic and a chance to make comments and ask questions. Your answers will be uploaded and once all content has been completed, you will be eligible to receive a wahakura and beautiful koha pack (if you live in the Taranaki rohe).

It is free to enrol.

Once you have completed the check-out process, you will be emailed a PDF link with detailed instructions of the next steps.

Check Out (No Charge)